Okay. Blogging daily hasn't happened so far. I'm just not in the mood for it, and I don't want to. And it's a neutral detachment--not something filled with anger. Still, I want to keep my fingers and my mind nimble, and writing of any kind is useful for that. So, I've decided to blog weekly lists of various things that have struck my fancy. Low or no-pressure writing here.
1. Getting back in the swing has involved walking a few times a week. I hope that by the end of the month, my strides will have picked up the pace a bit, but for now, I'm glad to put on my Skechers and walk for a half hour a few days a week.
2. I've returned to doing affirmations every day, a few times a day, during walks or drive time. Why did I ever stop doing them, I wonder. As a person with depression, it's altogether too easy for my mind to hunker down in a negative pattern. Affirmations are a very powerful way of circumventing negativity. Do they make everything perfect? Nope. But I find that if I'm in the habit of doing them regularly, they come to me when my mind takes an impulsively negative turn.
3. I've returned to reading and listening to books about Buddhism, which is another comfort in my life. I suspect that what I read falls into the "self-help Buddhism" category (if one can be said to help the "self" according to Buddhism!) and not philosophical tracts, but again, the reading I do helps me find balance in my life--quelling enervating negativity.
4. We're into week three at school, and I love my classes, love my students, and have a good schedule. I've realized that the first two weeks of classes are a big transition for everyone, including this professor who is getting back into the swing. Adding the flu epidemic to the mix has students missing or anxious, but we still manage to get things done. So far, our community college hasn't been struck like some of the local universities-- I suspect this is so because we are not a residential school. But we have been made aware of it and are Purelling up a storm.
5. My cats have not been blogged about lately, but that hasn't stopped the Bink from bringing upstairs his latest hunting catch, a half-dead mouse. Props to my husband who swooped in, multitaskingly, and picked up the mouse with one hand while patting and complimenting the cat with the other hand. I stood down the hallway wondering why I freak out when the cats bring up treasures from the basement.
Meanwhile, Snickerdoodle is keeping watch over all of the birds on our property. He's more inclined to let the Bink do the work of actually catching mice, but birds and insects are his prey of choice. I heard a fly buzz while I meditated today, really, and I heard the gallumping of Snickerdoodle in hot pursuit. He's more likely to throw himself at windows and fall off of furniture when he hunts his out-of-reach projects--Bink is a big picture mouser, cautious and canny.
6. Alz Walk will be walking without me, I'm afraid, but my husband will be walking in New Haven, and that makes me happy. I have to be at our annual lit festival this year, which falls on the same day as the walk. Oh well.
7. New laundry game plan--the rule of eight. Instead of waiting for mountains of laundry to accumulate (which can be depressing), I've starting watching eight of everything we wear --tshirts, shorts, unmentionables. It gets the job done more quickly and gives me more time for other things.
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